Custom Lupdo Driver must implements a sql syntax; only string can be used to perform query against a database.
Please follow this rules if you can:
supports all Lupdo validBindings
supports the syntax of named parameters :key
and the syntax of numeric parameters ?
, adds documentation for other syntax types.
date from database should be returned as javascript string
not javascript Date
bigint from database should be returned as javascript Number
if respect Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER otherwise it should be a javascript BigInt
decimal from database should be returned as javascript string
not javascript Number
to not loose precision, even if driver can't guarantee the precision it is better to return a string
as standard.
numeric int from database shold be returned as javascript Number
if respect Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER otherwise it should be a javascript BigInt
numeric float from database should be returned as javascript string
not javascript Number
to not loose precision, even if driver can't guarantee the precision it is better to return a string
as standard.
boolean should be returned as Number
1 or 0.
json should be always returned as String
not an Object
array should be returned as Javascript Array
and value of array should respect rules above.
you should only expose custom Driver APIs if necessary to integrate basic database functionality.
you should override/suppress third party configuration if they can change lupdo core behaviour based on unsecure parameter of createConnection (see example).
you are free to add ATTRIBUTES if necessary please prefix all attributes with unique driver name.
you must avoid to override any core funtionality, you can open a discussion or propose a pull-request.
import or require of the library must automatically register the driver within Lupdo.
driver should export a function create{driver}Pdo
that return a new instance of Pdo for the driver to improve options typing.
you can create a new version of existing driver using another thirdy party library, you should avoid to implements duplicated version with same third party driver, instead try to improve the existing one.
you can add a new type parameter to be used on TypedBinding
and implement TypedBindingOptions
for all TypeBinding
, please document all options and the new accepted type.
Note As soon as it will be stable, Lupdo will accept Temporal as validBindings and db date should be returned as Temporal.
import {
} from 'lupdo';
import PdoAffectingData from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-affecting-data';
import PdoAttributes from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-attributes';
import PdoColumnData from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-column-data';
import { DriverOptions } from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-driver';
import { PoolConnection, PoolOptions } from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-pool';
import { ValidBindingsSingle } from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-prepared-statement';
import PdoRowData from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-raw-data';
interface ThirdPartyConnectionOptions extends DriverOptions {
[key: string]: any;
class ThirdPartyConnectionToDB implements PoolConnection {
// __lupdo_xxx property are used internally from lupdo
// should be defined like this
__lupdo_uuid = '';
__lupdo_killed = false;
constructor(public options: ThirdPartyConnectionOptions) {}
class ThirdPartyStatement {}
// FakeConnection should be used only to set session variables on the connection before it gets used.
class FakeConnection extends PdoConnection {
constructor(public readonly connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB) {
async query(sql: string): Promise<void> {
// execute third party query
class FakeRawConnection extends PdoRawConnection {
protected async doBeginTransaction(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
// exec third party connection begin transaction
protected async doCommit(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
// exec third party connection commit
protected async doRollback(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
// exec third party connection rollback
protected async getStatement(sql: string, connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<ThirdPartyStatement> {
// return third party connection statement
return new ThirdPartyStatement();
protected async executeStatement(
statement: ThirdPartyStatement,
bindings: string[] | { [key: string]: string },
connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB
): Promise<[string, PdoAffectingData, PdoRowData[], PdoColumnData[]]> {
// return adapted data from third party statement execution
// sql returned must be sql string propagated to the driver
return [sql, {}, [], []];
protected async closeStatement(
statement: ThirdPartyStatement,
connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB
): Promise<void> {
// close third party statement
protected async doQuery(
connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB,
sql: string
): Promise<[PdoAffectingData, PdoRowData[], PdoColumnData[]]> {
// return adapted data from third party query execution
return [{}, [], []];
protected adaptBindValue(value: ValidBindingsSingle): ValidBindingsSingle {
// adapt parameter bindings before execute third party statement
return value;
class FakeDriver extends PdoDriver {
driver: string,
protected options: ThirdPartyConnectionOptions,
poolOptions: PoolOptions,
attributes: PdoAttributes
) {
super(driver, poolOptions, attributes);
protected async createConnection(unsecure?: boolean): Promise<ThirdPartyConnectionToDB> {
const { ...thirdPartyOptions } = this.options;
// debugmode must be enabled only through ATTR_DEBUG
const debugMode = this.getAttribute(ATTR_DEBUG) as number;
if (!unsecure) {
// unsecure is true only if pdo.getRawDriverConnection() is called
// in that case the connection it's not acquired from the pool
// so it will never be reused by lupdo core apis
// and you can skip overrides, it's up to the user manage connection
thirdPartyOptions.doNotReturnColumns = false;
thirdPartyOptions.numberAlwaysString = false;
return new ThirdPartyConnectionToDB({
debug: debugMode === DEBUG_ENABLED
protected createPdoConnection(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): PdoConnectionI {
// return new PdoConnection
// it should be a basic connection that can execute only not prepared sql
// it should be used only to set session variables on the third party connection before it gets used.
return new FakeConnection(connection);
protected async closeConnection(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
// close connection
protected async destroyConnection(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
// if available get new connection to force kill pending connection
protected validateRawConnection(): boolean {
// validate third party connection before will be used by the pool
return true;
public getRawConnection(): PdoRawConnectionI {
return new FakeRawConnection(this.pool);
public async getVersion(): Promise<string> {
return '1.0.0-fake';
Pdo.addDriver('fake', FakeDriver);
export function createFakePdo(
options: ThirdPartyConnectionOptions,
poolOptions?: PoolOptions,
attributes?: PdoAttributes
): Pdo {
return new Pdo('fake', options, poolOptions, attributes);