Available Drivers


Custom Lupdo Driver must implements a sql syntax; only string can be used to perform query against a database.

Please follow this rules if you can:

Note As soon as it will be stable, Lupdo will accept Temporal as validBindings and db date should be returned as Temporal.


import {
} from 'lupdo';
import PdoAffectingData from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-affecting-data';
import PdoAttributes from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-attributes';
import PdoColumnData from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-column-data';
import { DriverOptions } from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-driver';
import { PoolConnection, PoolOptions } from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-pool';
import { ValidBindingsSingle } from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-prepared-statement';
import PdoRowData from 'lupdo/dist/typings/types/pdo-raw-data';

interface ThirdPartyConnectionOptions extends DriverOptions {
    [key: string]: any;

class ThirdPartyConnectionToDB implements PoolConnection {
    // __lupdo_xxx property are used internally from lupdo
    // should be defined like this
    __lupdo_uuid = '';
    __lupdo_killed = false;
    constructor(public options: ThirdPartyConnectionOptions) {}

class ThirdPartyStatement {}

// FakeConnection should be used only to set session variables on the connection before it gets used.
class FakeConnection extends PdoConnection {
    constructor(public readonly connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB) {

    async query(sql: string): Promise<void> {
        // execute third party query

class FakeRawConnection extends PdoRawConnection {
    protected async doBeginTransaction(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
        // exec third party connection begin transaction

    protected async doCommit(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
        // exec third party connection commit

    protected async doRollback(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
        // exec third party connection rollback

    protected async getStatement(sql: string, connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<ThirdPartyStatement> {
        // return third party connection statement
        return new ThirdPartyStatement();

    protected async executeStatement(
        statement: ThirdPartyStatement,
        bindings: string[] | { [key: string]: string },
        connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB
    ): Promise<[string, PdoAffectingData, PdoRowData[], PdoColumnData[]]> {
        // return adapted data from third party statement execution
        // sql returned must be sql string propagated to the driver
        return [sql, {}, [], []];

    protected async closeStatement(
        statement: ThirdPartyStatement,
        connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB
    ): Promise<void> {
        // close third party statement

    protected async doQuery(
        connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB,
        sql: string
    ): Promise<[PdoAffectingData, PdoRowData[], PdoColumnData[]]> {
        // return adapted data from third party query execution
        return [{}, [], []];

    protected adaptBindValue(value: ValidBindingsSingle): ValidBindingsSingle {
        // adapt parameter bindings before execute third party statement
        return value;

class FakeDriver extends PdoDriver {
        driver: string,
        protected options: ThirdPartyConnectionOptions,
        poolOptions: PoolOptions,
        attributes: PdoAttributes
    ) {
        super(driver, poolOptions, attributes);

    protected async createConnection(unsecure?: boolean): Promise<ThirdPartyConnectionToDB> {
        const { ...thirdPartyOptions } = this.options;
        // debugmode must be enabled only through ATTR_DEBUG
        const debugMode = this.getAttribute(ATTR_DEBUG) as number;

        if (!unsecure) {
            // unsecure is true only if pdo.getRawDriverConnection() is called
            // in that case the connection it's not acquired from the pool
            // so it will never be reused by lupdo core apis
            // and you can skip overrides, it's up to the user manage connection
            thirdPartyOptions.doNotReturnColumns = false;
            thirdPartyOptions.numberAlwaysString = false;

        return new ThirdPartyConnectionToDB({
            debug: debugMode === DEBUG_ENABLED

    protected createPdoConnection(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): PdoConnectionI {
        // return new PdoConnection
        // it should be a basic connection that can execute only not prepared sql
        // it should be used only to set session variables on the third party connection before it gets used.

        return new FakeConnection(connection);

    protected async closeConnection(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
        // close connection

    protected async destroyConnection(connection: ThirdPartyConnectionToDB): Promise<void> {
        // if available get new connection to force kill pending connection

    protected validateRawConnection(): boolean {
        // validate third party connection before will be used by the pool
        return true;

    public getRawConnection(): PdoRawConnectionI {
        return new FakeRawConnection(this.pool);

    public async getVersion(): Promise<string> {
        return '1.0.0-fake';

Pdo.addDriver('fake', FakeDriver);

export function createFakePdo(
    options: ThirdPartyConnectionOptions,
    poolOptions?: PoolOptions,
    attributes?: PdoAttributes
): Pdo {
    return new Pdo('fake', options, poolOptions, attributes);